Friday, 27 July 2012

Interview - Mike Schiemer: Frugal Fitness Guru

Chances are if you've ever searched for any fitness tips or workouts on Youtube, you're probably very familiar with the sexy Mike Schiemer and his Frugal Fitness brand. You see, Mike does just about everything. In addition to running his popular Frugal Fitness Youtube channel and website, he's a writer, personal trainer, nutrionist, fitness model, exercise physiologist and in his words an "epic cheapskate". We enjoy seeing this hunky Bostonian demonstrating cost effective workouts and fitness tips, so we were over the moon when we were able to bring you this interview. Enjoy!

1. When did you first become interested in health and fitness?

Mike: I have always been really into health and fitness, I remember lifting 2 lb weights when I was about 6 years old and doing pullups at playgrounds. I started doing gymnastics when I was 7 years old and that involves a ton of strength, flexibility, and explosive power. I got pretty good at it and won a couple state championships before retiring at the old age of 13. I started weight training for the first time when I was 14 and I got hooked, I started to help others get in better shape, and I decided to pursue a career in fitness for the past 10 years including getting personal training certifications, a degree in exercise physiology, and writing a book (The Frugal Diet).

2. How did you come up with the idea for Frugal Fitness?

Mike: I've always been a miserly meathead, so very into health and fitness but also never wanting (or being able in many cases) to spend much or any money. From gymnastics, exercise physiology studies, and makeshift gyms/workouts, I learned that you can get incredible workouts and results without having all the expensive equipment and big gyms. I started memorizing food labels and teaching myself nutrition at the age of 15 and after many years discovered you can also eat very healthy on a tight budget if you know what you are doing.

3. What was it like having one of your workout videos featured on the Shape Magazine website?

Mike: I was very honored and appreciative that author / writer Charlotte Hilton Andersen decided to include my channel, and the popular six pack abs workout video requiring no equipment, in her excellent article. I've gotten hundreds of comments about how well that workout, and my bicep workout, have worked for them with minimal or no equipment needed. It really helped to get Frugal Fitness and Frugal Fitness TV on the map after I had switched my YouTube channel and videos earlier that year.

Check out the rest of the interview and more great pictures after the jump.

4. Where do you see Frugal Fitness going in the future?

Mike: I see Frugal Fitness growing and getting bigger and better than ever over time. It is a very difficult economy out there and looks like it will be that way for awhile unfortunately. People will always need to eat, workout, and live healthy without breaking the bank so I think it can be very beneficial regardless of the economic climate. I hope to reach millions more people over the years as they take advantage of all the free information and motivation, and share with their friends and family!

5. Who are your favourite bodybuilders, fitness models or athletes?

Mike: I am big into the classics, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stallone especially, not just because of their physiques but because they basically worked hard and innovated their way from rags to riches. They are certainly not without their flaws, but I am very inspired by them all around. The fitness models Rob Riches and Scott Herman are some of my favorite as they work extremely hard, have excellent physiques, and also a great business / marketing sense. I respect all athletes, drug free or not, because despite being against performance enhancing drugs. All athletes take huge risks and make large sacrifices to their bodies and minds for our sources of entertainment and inspiration.

6. What advice would you give to anyone struggling to stay motivated with their fitness goals?

Mike: I'd say that taking the first few steps in the right direction is crucial. Making 1 or 2 good decisions can help lead to more good decisions and it gains momentum from there. So throw out some junk food, make yourself go to the gym, or go for that walk first thing in the morning. Also, consistency and patience cannot be stressed enough. It does take time for many positive health and fitness transformations to take place, although some benefits will be seen almost immediately. It's not easy but it's worth it so keep fighting the good fight!

7. Being so popular on Youtube has definitely gained you a loyal fan following. What's your take on being viewed as a role model by some of your fans and a sex symbol by others? As well, how does it feel to have a large gay following?

Mike: I really appreciate my YouTube and blog followers and I'm very honored and humbled to be viewed as a role model by anyone. I have certainly made mistakes over the years but I've tried to learn from them, do my best, and spread the good word of health, hard work, education, and discipline. I try my best these days to be the best example I can be and practice what I preach. We all can constantly improve though so it's always a work in progress. I think it's pretty cool to be viewed as a sex symbol by anyone, I wouldn't consider myself one personally, but I'm flattered and hey whatever gets people educated and interested in health and fitness! I am honored and flattered as well to have a pretty large and growing gay following. I am happy to help people of all races, religions, and sexual orientations. I'm all for  people being true to themselves and living the lifestyle that makes them happy. I really appreciate any and all fan support and I will keep putting out quality content for you all!

Random Rapid Fire Questions.

1. Favourite piece of workout equipment? Dumbbells
2. Biggest bad habit? Diet Soda, also waking up to the first alarm in the morning (never happens, snooze buttons are my bff's)
3. Last movie you saw in the theatre? So long ago, Hangover 2 I think. I don't get out to the movies much!!
4. Favourite supplement? Whey protein powder, or any protein powder, chocolate!
5. Strangest request from a fan? Naked picture requests from a guy for him and his husband, I have some youth clients usually so I can't do that kind of stuff even if I wanted to! Also a few requests to date daughters and 50 year old women.
6. Favourite cheat meal? Italian food! Pizza, calzones, steak and cheese
7. Have you ever been mistaken for a celebrity? Nope never! When I had more hair on my head I got a few Paul Walker / boy band comparisons, but that was awhile ago and only from a few young women.
8. Boxers or briefs? Boxers! Might be lookin into boxer briefs soon though...
9. Favourite song to workout to? Anything by Metallica! (tattoo on right shoulder)

Big thanks to Mike for popping the blog's interview cherry, so to speak. Be sure to follow him on Twitter @MikeSchiemer and check out the Frugal Fitness Youtube Channel: and the Frugal Fitness website:

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